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- آدرس کوتاه شده مقاله: https://bahareadab.com/article_id/1433
- کد doi مقاله: Doi: 10.22034/bahareadab.2023 .16 .6818
Journal of the stylistic of Persian poem and prose
volume Number 16،
number In Volume 1،
issue Number 83
A Study and Analysis of the Linguistic Style of Contemporary Persian Stories Based on the theory of scale and category and Analysis of Critical Discourse (Case Study: verb groups in stories: Cheshmhayash and Suvashun)
Hesam Al-Salamah , Hamid Taheri (Author in Charge)
BACKGROUND AND OBJECTIVES:Analysis of literary texts" grammatical and linguistic structure is one of the essential branches of stylistics and critique of literary works. Especially when comparing the language style of men"s and women"s stories, paying attention to their grammatical structures can identify the differences in the style and language level of men and women and highlight the strengths and weaknesses of those works. One of the essential theories of linguistics and grammar is Michael Halliday"s theory of scale and category. In this article, based on this theory, we have examined one of the critical grammatical categories, namely the devices of the verb group in Cheshmhayash and Suvashun stories.
METHODOLOGY: This study was conducted using descriptive-analytical method.
FINDINGS: In the first article part, according to the theory of scale and category, the verb group devices in the stories of these two authors are described, and the relevant statistics are shown. In the second part, the way the verb group devices are used in the stories according to theories of, Critical discourse, linguistics, and gender is analyzed to distinguish the styles of male and female writers. In this article, the role of the verb and its tense are studied.
CONCLUSION: According to the available analyses, one of the results is a significant difference between these two authors using the verb group No. 1 device of the news impersonal self-standing type. Alawi has made a mistake in objecting to these verb devices type, and inconsistency between the verbs has caused the incoherence of his story. On the other hand, sometimes, the differences in the use of the devices of the verb group between the two stories go back to the aspect of language and gender.
, language
, verb group
, Critical discourse
, Cheshmhayash
, Suvashun
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